Shooting architecture - Daylight or Night in Dubai

By Musthafa E. Khumanpur
Head Photographer

Freelancers are taking the world by storm. Whether it is any technical assignment or photography assignment professionals prefer freelance photographers. Specific needs like architectural photography are best met by the top freelance architectural photographer in Dubai. So, let us go through all the required details before partnering with any freelance architectural photographers.

One of the biggest advantage and disadvantage for a professional architectural photographer in Dubai is lighting. It’s significant you know the thought process behind architectural photographers picking days and times and what can start or stop a Dubai architecture photoshoot.

Let us now talk about two very different types of architectural photoshoots in Dubai:
Daylight and Night shots and what it takes as an architectural photographer in Dubai and as a client wanting the perfect architectural photographs to make them happen.

Daylight Architectural Photography: All About Timing
For most businesses and buildings that are looking for architectural photography in Dubai, daytime photography is the first and logical choice for architectural photography. After all, most business hours, staff, and clients will be there during daytime. However, seizing that “perfect day” that delivers the scene and lighting both for the architectural photographer and client need is no simple task when it comes to daytime photography.

Keeping Out a Weather Eye
The major influence on daytime lighting is unsurprisingly the weather. What is surprising is how often that weather does not play nice with the schedules of architectural photography sessions (or maybe not surprising, considering the weather in Dubai). A mark of a good architectural photographer in Dubai is the number of weather apps on their phone, so they can quickly reschedule and save everyone’s time.

Understanding How Time of Day Impacts Lighting
Besides the weather you should expect, the time of day and even the seasons also impact the course and quality of the light in ways we may comprehend naturally but not when it comes to photography.

Night time Architectural Photography: All About Communication
Architectural photography during the night or twilight can be a striking addition to your architectural photography portfolio. However, it takes a few things to make it happen. Make sure to work closely with your architectural photographer and get them the connections he needs to get your great images.

Do a Walkthrough with Your Photographer
While you should do an architectural photography walkthrough days before your architectural photoshoot, you’ll want to do one during dusk or night before a night shoot. As outlined in my blog, Hiring a freelance architectural photographer in Dubai & Kuwait- All you Need to Know, you’ll need to check the site access and site condition well in advance to catch any issues.

Get a Direct Line Between the Architectural Photographer and Maintenance
You’ll need to make sure your staff is both looped in and ready for the architectural photoshoot. You or your maintenance team will need to be ready to turn off or on the exterior or interior lighting, and you should put out a notice to any staff or residents before the shoot.

So, If you’re looking for architectural photography in dubai day or night, contact us and I’ll guide you through the steps necessary to capture stunning commercial or residential architectural photography at any time of the day or night.


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